Pinch me, but just a little pinch for added flavor... It's hard to believe this amazing experiance is real.
As a Master Danish Baker, one of the things I have most looked forward to on this trip around our beautiful country is discovering local ingredients and then using these great ingredients in our Great Open Road Bakery.
I'm glad to be able to take you with me on this artistic culinary journey and share with you my recipes. As many of you have requested, we will be adding a recipe PDF for each bakery item featured throughout the year, and we will be keeping a list of the recipes in the Le Pneu Michelin Star section of this website.
If you enjoy these Great Open Road Bakery updates, please subscribe as we will be baking a new item and recipe every couple of weeks.
Postscript: Here are some amazing pics we have recieved from around the country as folks make bread from our first video!